Thursday, June 24, 2010

Logging Off...

So we're getting close now and my time is a little... under pressure... 

Sorry if I haven't been engaging much on the comments side these past few weeks. It's been manic. 

Guests have started arriving - literally landing in from overseas.  Planes Trains & Automobiles here we go. 

Thanks for listening/reading... Good luck to any B2B's out there; I hope you experience goes well!

See you on the other side...

Sunday, June 20, 2010


The hair is all over the place.

The skin is breaking out.

After all the weight loss followed by all the stress I think I piled on a few pounds.

The shoes I ordered haven't arrived in time.

The music person we arranged has had a bereavement and cannot make it to the wedding.  Then something happened the backup.  Don't ask.

The fun socks 'n' cufflinks I ordered for the dads and things will not arrive in time. 

My godfather isn't making it to the wedding now for some unknown reason.  Worrisome. 

The special underwear ordered never materialised, if you pardon the pun. 

All we need now is the ash cloud to come back and cancel the honeymoon.

This may sound bitter and evil but I hope they all feel very guilty for making me go through this.  Guilt made me do it.  It's time it bounced back on them.  Coz it's so not worth it. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Day Off

Handsome One is bringing me to the cinema later.  I insisted that we have a wedding-free evening so that's what we're going to have.  I hope you enjoy yours :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Seating Table Plan

Try not to worry too much about this, because many of our friends have told us that this was one of the most difficult things about getting married. 

We must have been either very lucky with who RSVP'd or else we're just very lucky generally with our lot of pals and clan folk.  We didn't have a problem with it at all.  Our family neatly fitted into three tables, our top table spilled onto two and we have five tables of friends.  Not all numbers are the same but as we are using round tables there's no issue, nobody will notice.  We reckon.  We hope. 

For the tables that have different groups of friends at them we kept the groups to 4 and 4, or two couples each, that worked quite well.  There is one seriously fun-table (that's how I grade them, in terms of fun to be had) which I think I'd like to be at...  No, can't, must sit with husband.

That's a good way to do it we think - pop your guests onto tables, then study the tables and give it a fun rating out of 10.  80% or higher gets you approved ;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm Fine

This has become my new phrase of choice

I'm fine

As most men know, this is a complete lie.  As most wise men will know, you need to stay out of my way and stop bothering me when I use it more than 10 times in one conversation. 

When I say stay out of my way and stop bothering me, I mean only speak to me to tell me things you have done and ticked off the list.  Do not sit there doing nothing, wait for me to ask gently if x, y or z has been maybe, you know, completed...?  Pretty please?  And then scowl at me as if I'm the biggest cow on the planet because I asked you about something you haven't done.  It's not my fault you haven't done it, nor is it my fault that you said you would do it 2 weeks ago.  And now that time is running out, all the millions of tiny little things that would have taken you 2 seconds to do at the time, are now piling up into this big mess of TO DO lists.  Plural. 

You Twat.

Be prepared for unexplainable bouts of tears at quiet moments when nobody can see or hear you.  Because you really didn't sign up for this and no matter how much you put a smile on and get on with it for the important people in your life, you can't help feeling unbelievably frustrated because no matter what you do things keep getting frayed at the edges or worse still, keep falling apart. 

Deep breaths, big smile, pop that twinkle back in your eye and keep going.  You're nearly there.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Honeymoon Planning

Now this bit, is what I've been looking forward to most.

We went out and bought suitcases!  Mine is burst and too small for a month's worth of clothes, and the wheel broke of his the last time we were away!  What better excuse on the planet is there to go and get a fancy schmancy set of luggage? 

The invitation RSVP's came back last month and since then, new envelopes have started arriving.  Of the thin, paper-like gift variety.  So we cashed in one or two of these kind & generous cheques and brought the proceeds to TK Maxx, and Kildare Village on a luggage related shopping spree. 

THEN we went to other shops and started to look for new pretty things to put in said luggage.  New flip-flops in a|wear, new bikini in Calvin Klein (OMG I've never spent so much on a tiny item of clothing in my life) and some dresses in a few different places. 

Lune de Miel. The best reason in the world to get married. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shoes & Toesies

So... You may have noticed that the sandally-shoes I picked have peep toes.  Well I've been growing the old toenails and trying to keep them nice (I'm a demon for leaving dark polish on for weeks, I don't think that's too good for them...) and was wondering about a frenchie. 

I've found somewhere in Blackrock that does the three-week polish on your pinkies!  Burgundy salon is just be the old Playwright pub, now TGI Friday's, it's one of the little cottages.  Anyhoo they do the everlast polish for your hands so I rang up and discovered you can get them on your toes as well...  Magic.  Honeymoon flip-flopping will be pretty and not in need of constant management.  Bliss. 

TIP: Don't go to Google Images and look up toenails unless you want to see your breakfast twice.  GROSS!